Are Rob Zombie tickets worth $50?

I like Rob Zombie, but I don't know if I want to pay $50 to see him live. Is he really good live? Does he have a lot of theatrics. $50 is the lawn price by the way, a bit ridiculous if you ask me. But I've never seen him live.


I'm not a huge fan, personally (I mostly listen to death metal). He's alright, I suppose. But I have a friend who swears it was the best show he's ever seen. I don't know the details of it -- I haven't seen him myself -- but my buddy claims he's never seen a show that even came close to being as good as Rob Zombie's. And he's not a huge fan either. He likes him better than I do, but it's not like he's some kind of super fan. So, if you like him, you should definitely see him live.


I'm planning on getting general admission to see him in Connecticut.


Absolutely. I've seen him. He puts on a great show. Do it