I have heard you can get a PIN number for your Soc Sec number. Anyone know how to go about doing this?


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Only when you have been a victim of identity theft for that purpose and time in your life.
Get An Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN)

Welcome to the Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) page.

What's an IP PIN?

An IP PIN is a six-digit number assigned to eligible taxpayers that helps prevent the misuse of your Social Security number on fraudulent federal income tax returns. You can’t use the IP PIN as your e-file signature PIN.

Important: You currently can’t opt out once you get an IP PIN. You must use an IP PIN to confirm your identity on all federal tax returns you file this year and in subsequent tax years. If you e-file your return and your IP PIN is missing or incorrect, our system will reject your return. Filing a paper return with a missing or incorrect IP PIN delays its processing. This is for your protection so we can determine it’s your return.


Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 02/14/2015


For those that have had identity theft it can be issued by the IRS. Not for everyone.