ISIS=The KKK, The Nazis and The Manson Family?

ISIS is brutal mass murder cult along being terrorists. The committing very sick acts since 2013 and getting brutal. ISIS is the rebirth of the infamous and has been terrorist group the KKK along with the Nazis and Charles Manson and Family. If America and World doesn't stop ISIS, we are going to have an army of serial killers of Charles Manson caliber to fanatical and hate mongers of the Nazis and the KKK. Agree that ISIS is the New KKK, The New Nazis and the New Manson Family. This would make Jack the Riper proud of them.


Favorite Answer

They are a group of seriously deranged, psychopathic murderers of the foulest sort. ONLY the Nazis, the KKK, and the Manson family would understand ISIS, and approve.


What does the KKK and ISIS have in common? The Lynched and burn people who don't agree on ideology and people who are different are threat to the way of life.

ISIS= The Nazis
What does The Nazis and ISIS have in common? They killed Jews, LGBT's , Christians and other groups who don't fit to their Master Race agenda. Also they burn people too.

ISIS=The Manson Family

What does ISIS and The Manson Family have in common? They believe in god in their twisted way and will to kill for a twisted agenda.

NUFF said


The KKK can't hold a candle to ISIS. Even Hitler would be hard pressed to keep up with this barbarian group. All nations better get a handle on these thugs before they spread around the world. There are people all over the world who feel they have been left out of society and are ripe for recruitment, plus we have ISIS teaching their hatred to the young in their schools.


Yes, and the Dimocrats are Jim Jones cultists.


I compare them to the Democrat party