does multiculturalism work in america?


Favorite Answer

American culture is a favorite all over the world -- our music, movies, food.

All because American culture was forged from the cultures of the world -- multiculturalism.

None of you anti-multiculturalism explain what you want, exactly (besides everyone living completely identical lives in every way) -- do you think eveyrone who isn't identical to you should be murdered? Arrested? Tortured until they agree to live exactly like YOU want everyone to live?

What do you psychopathic monstrosities want, exactly?


Not very well. It works better than the middle east, (ISIS) We all tolerate people to a certain point but we don't come together as some people would like us to. (Liberal)


Works like a charm.


No. some things we cannot abide in such as Sharia law.


No. Multiculturalism and diversity and all that other crap is stupid and overrated. People tend to separate their selves into like groups anyhow.

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