Any word on what gloves Manny Pacquiao is going to wear?
I hope he comes in wearing REYES.
I hope he comes in wearing REYES.
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In the contract, Mayweather will demand 10oz.but the state commission will allow the Reyes brand 10oz. for Manny and Mayweather will use Grant gloves with the orthopedic foam.
I'm hoping the usual Cleto Reyes gloves to see Manny at best. But Mayweather might make him use a different glove. I just hope it's not powerlock or winning gloves. Those gloves seriously kills power.
I don't think Floyd will allow Manny the use of Cleto Reyes.
They said that he will wear his favorite Cleto reyes gloves. I think Floyd will check them inside and out before the fight start lol.
He'll be using his usual 8 ounce Cleto Reyes gloves. Google is your friend.