confusing break up..?

My girlfriend broke up with me and said she wasnt ready for a serious relationship but she still says she loves me and wants to go town with me next monday. What should i do? I didnt want to break up but do you think i can rescue this and get us back together?


Broke up with you but still wants to say she loves you and go to town? Sounds like drama. If she's worth the drama, then yeah do what you want, but if not, consider it something to be thankful for that she cut you loose and try getting with someone that knows what they want.


I hate to give away one of our special "girl secrets" but if she is "not ready" for a serious relationship, the TRUTH is she does not want to have one with you. If "Mr. Hot Guy" comes around tomorrow she will be more than ready for him.

She broke up with you. Do yourself a favor and make it a clean break.
Don't play the puppy dog boyfriend who is just there so she does not have to be alone while she waits for her REAL boyfriend to come along.

We like to play the "Just friends" card with saps like you. That way we are not alone on Saturday nights but we don't have to work to hard. It is a rotten thing to do to the "nice guys" of the world, but the sooner you listen to me the happier you will be.

Say, "No thanks" to the own thing and move on. She does not want to be in a relationship with YOU. That is the only truth here.



go to town with her , u never know u might end up together again . if u stay very close friends when she is ready she will go back out with u . girls r confusing , being a girl I kno that