Jeans Really Hurt?

I always wear leggings/skirts/etc. Anything to avoid pants. But today I had to wear jeans and I wasn't trying to be a baby about it, but they absolutely drove me insane. I only had to wear them for a little over an hour, but I almost started crying and I was fidgeting the entire time. It literally felt like one of the most painful/uncomfortable things I've ever went through. Any reason why this happens or am I just being soft or something? No rude answers, please.


Favorite Answer

I just don't think you're used to them. Leggings are very thin, and almost feel like you are wearing nothing at all, and skirts don't touch your legs at all really, while wearing jeans they cling to your legs and give you a new feeling about it that you may not be used to/may not like. I think you should ease yourself into jeans, and maybe you will feel differently about them?


Maybe you are too large for them? But a bigger size or less tight


Do they really hurt that much?


get a bigger size