Where did Hare Krishnas get the idea Jesus was vegetarian?

In many of their books they make the claim what Jesus (and not the Christian god or Moses apparentl) meant by Thou Shalt Not Kill was animals too, They are aware there is no mention in the bible Jesus was against Passover Lamb right? A big Jewish thing and no mention of him stating anything against it.

Nanny State H82015-03-04T07:00:02Z

Jesus was not a vegetarian. The Bible shows that Jesus ate fish (Luke 24:42-43) and lamb (Luke 22:8-15).

He had no problem feeding the people with fish and bread (Matthew 14:17-21).

Jesus declared all foods to be clean, including animals (Acts 10:10-15).

After the flood God gave permission to eat meat (Genesis 9:2-3).


Rakshasa, Ravana, Asuras, Iblis


Also, why are they called Hairy Krishnas when they always have shaved heads?


If you want logic and consistency from a religion you are embarking on a fool's errand.


Probably from the hippies.

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