Does Kirkland stand a chance without the WOLF?


Seems like a LOVE/HATE relationship with Ann but she pushes him to the limit and brings out the best in him.


I don't see Kirkland beating Canelo either way but I do see Canelo beating him more convincingly without Wolf by his side.

Kool K.2015-03-04T23:31:02Z

Ann Wolfe is NOT going to be in Kirkland's corner and i am sort of disappointed in that.


Nope. And he really didnt give any info on why he left her AGAIN. They're always separating. After Canelo beats and knocks his *ss out he'll probably hook up with her again. Like he did after being thrashed by Ishida.


He was suppose to lose either way, but he always has a punchers chance, but odds are Canelo punishes him.


He will go back to robbing stores once Canelo beats the **** out of him.