Why does Yahoo keep making things worse whenever they make "improvements"?

I put in a question and I don't think it was put into the best category possible. I haven't used this in awhile, but last time it suggested a category but made it easy to change if I didn't agree.

Now it doesn't even suggest a category, I just click "Submit" and it puts it wherever their algorithms think is best. In the interest of simplifying things they make things more difficult. This seems to be true of anything using the internet, not just Yahoo or Yahoo Answers. But Yahoo is worse because it's impossible to get in touch with anyone.

Does anyone know how I can select the category?
Anyone know how to contact a real person at Yahoo? (That's for an email issue, not this.)


Favorite Answer

Yahoo keeps making changes (so called improvements) thinking it will help them make more Ad revenue.
Those changes are made by others that never use the site so do not consider if it make using the site better for those who use it.

To choose a Category.... Switch to Desktop if on Mobile.
The way it is now... You have to Submit first and a Category is Automatically selected based on keywords in your Question.
It is very often wrong but easy to correct.

Editing the Category only takes seconds.....
Once you Submit your Question and the Category is not where you want it.

Click Edit Category above the question and then All.
On the newer format with round avatars click Edit under the question and then Edit category.

Find the Category you want it in, click that and Subcategory click that and Submit.

The down side is that all Level 7 users can move any Questions to any other Category, so if you find that your Questions are being moved to other Categories you can move it back to where you want it to be.

For help with an email problem use the Help Pages for Mail

Son of T32015-03-12T16:57:30Z

As soon as you submit, above the question is "Edit Category" (on some mobiles you may need to switch to Desktop mode). For me, is it much quicker (2 seconds) than the before version and as users asked to get, you can now change it several times if you want. That could not be done in the old system.


New computer programs always have glitches. Yahoo uses the YA community members as UNPAID beta testers of new computer programs. That why giving Yahoo feedback in any and every way possible, including by DIRECTLY emailing the Answers teams AND customer care is SO IMPORTANT. yahoo staff CANNOT FIX a glitch if they do not WHAT the glitch is and how it acts. Yahoo staff HAS to recreate the glitch and then figure out HOW to fix it, and that my mean editing ONE line of computer code or HUNDREDS of lines of computer code in MULTIPLE computer programs.

That is why the so called "improvements" are so glitchy.

"...Phone: 800-730-2669
How to reach a live person:
This number will place you on hold waiting for Yahoo customer care. Get comfortable since hold time can be extremely long...."


Be prepared to be cut off after 15 to 20 minutes automatically. Call back and then be prepared to be on hole FOR HOURS. Use a LANDLINE.

Yes, i DO know how you can select a category and subcategory BEFORE you post the question. The process is IN THE YA HELP PAGES.




i think their goal is to only have about 20 users on their site a day.