IS CS A SIN? Or, why Christians should embrace evolution?


Creationists reject the reasoning mind that God gave us to understand how our universe works and how to use that knowledge to relieve suffering of all humanity. In a fair and just world if you reject evolution you would also reject its' benefits. But, Creationists accept the benefits, reject the process, and expect the benefits to just keep coming. Or, do you really believe that modern medicine is a product of Satan to thwart God's punishment for our sins?


Man, I've never seen anyone who believes what you're denying here. And if there is such a person, they are not admired by many.

Most Christians and Creationists love science. They subject themselves to scientific double blind studies just like anyone else would. What we have a problem with is the faulty extrapolation that happens when people take an atheistic and material view of origins. If science doesn't allow for supernatural explanations, of course the accepted scientific explanation is going to exclude the hand of God as an option. That doesn't by any means mean that God didn't do it. And as you look at the watchmaker argument and all the variations thereof, it's only natural to assume that something supernatural happened along the line. It also helps when you've seen a miracle with your own eyes, as I have. Look up Don Piper as an example. That doesn't fall under any scientific explanation I've ever heard of. Something supernatural happened there.


Evolution cannot be embraced. It is a widely accepted scientific theory.


Everything is a sin