Is Metatron a Fallen-Angel?

I was reading about Seraphs when I came across a Seraph named Metatron, and there's been hints that he might be a Fallen. Can someone verify?


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nah metatron is a made up word, circa 1st century AD, which appears in the apocryphal work, Enoch 2. The writers of Enoch 2 combined ancient jewish folktales with their heretical messianic views, and came up with, what was basically a fantasy story of Moses and various other biblical characters.

Incidentally, the real name of the Scribe of God is Raziel, an archangel who wrote the Book of Secrets.

Edited bit:
Metatron is not an angel of any description.
A Seraph (singular) is an angel that appears as a fiery serpent, with four wings.
The Seraphim (plural) guard the throne of God, whilst singing Holy! Holy! Holy!


To give you a realistic answer concerning that one, like a few other angels who might have fallen or who might not have, its to complicated to give a answer either way, some sources say he is the highest ranking angel in haven, and others say he fell along with a few other obscure angels.

If you like studying that stuff look into stuff from the book of Enoch has well and a few other texts about it

Also be sure to read this wiki, and you will see why it is complicated.

Also answer from another site may help, and sorry for the edits.


No. Some people believe Metatron is Enoch.


According to medieval Jewish lore, the Metatron is not fallen, because he was not originally an angel. He was the prophet Enoch, who was raised to the ranks of the archangels.

The Book of David2015-03-15T13:15:19Z

I wouldn't trust Metatron. He is probably a Decepticon double-agent.

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