Any tips on dealing with anxiety?

Every time I have to take a test I get anxious. I study, i KNOW the material and yet my chest tightens, breathing heaviar and my heart rate goes up, and I feel shak . Any tips would be appreciated!


Hello. I too suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. If no one has been in our situation, they DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!!! At first, I couldn't even be around my family or friends....I would "freak out". As for going into a store, FORGET it. If you choose not to take medication, I would look on the internet for herbal meds to help you deal with this. I have had anxiety for about 10 years now, so at the time, I was unaware of herbal meds. I wish I would have know about them because now I am addicited to the meds that I take. It is aweful. Anyway, I hope this helps and I hope that you feel "better" soon.

Hawaiit Five-O2015-03-18T09:24:44Z

Oh the good old days of high school and college. I used to get anxiety all the time whether it was a test or a presentation.
I would always close my eyes picture something that you really enjoy take a deep breath and then think positive before you look at the test.
Try it out maybe it can help you


Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety is the first step to managing your anxiety and help your doctor determine if you may have some form of an anxiety disorder. Read here
There are groups of people that are specifically more prone to issues with anxiety, such as women, individuals who experience traumatic events, individuals who experience extreme stress or mental health disorders, or individuals with a history of alcohol and drug abuse.


Take fluoxitine drug as prescribed by the physician. It will work with 100% certainty. I have taken it. Be with people & in company of others, don't put thoughts in your head..crush them.

M S2015-08-12T09:11:36Z

peace to you
1-see doctor for medications
2-you need tranquillity which comes from faith an inner peace which I can explain