Weird scrape/cut on knee?

I have a weird scrape/cut on my knee that almost looks like a chunk of skin is coming off of my knee or like a scrape that scabbed over and the split open. I got it on Wednesday at colorguard practice, because we had a lot of show work where we are on one knee, and we basically have to drop into that position. it has never bled, but it hurts, mainly when I move my leg or rest on the knee. What can I do? I washed it as soon as I got home from practice, wiped an alcohol swab around the general area to clean up any residual dirt, put ointment on it, and covered it with a band aid which I change twice daily. Anything else I should do? Mainly to relieve the pain and help it heal faster? Thanks!


Could it just be a callous forming? Eating right, sleeping, and not irritating it will give it the best chance at healing quickly, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. If anything changes or you aren't sure, call your 811 healthline