Horses: issues you'll tolerate vs. issues you won't?

I post a question similar to this every once in a while. Another horse question got me thinking about it again.

Just for discussion: what are some issues with horses you will tolerate (perhaps that others don't), and some issues with horses that you will absolutely NOT tolerate, even though others don't care? It can be anything soundness, vices, colors etc.

For example, on my personal horses I'll tolerate a big ugly head, and roman noses. I even kinda like roman noses. I'll also deal with whites and greys, even though it means tons of washing. But I will NOT own a solid brown horse with no white marks, you know real brown, the one that is almost black but has brown muzzle and such? Can't stand that color with no white.


I have never and probably wont ever own a horse.
But I wouldn't want rearing issues or major bucking issues. A feel good buck or a minor tantrum buck I can handle. Or a straight up leap in the air - an occasional feel good one, not a problem. An ongoing issue - no thanks.

I wouldn't want bad ground manners - a bit of fidgeting would be tolerable but biting and kicking is a no. (obviously that can happen regardless but I don't want to be scared to tack up a horse in fear of being attacked!)

Anything that will stop the horse being rideable - any injuries that would be more money than I have really. As long as the horse is suitable for a bit of all round riding (like a riding school horse), its fine.

Not fussed on colour, height, breed, gender or any marks really. Never going to show so appearance isn't an issue.


Color isn't important; I really don't like sorrels/chestnuts, but again color isn't really an issue.
I want a TRAINED horse.
I want good ground manners (a horse should learn those as a foal.) No biting, no kicking, no rearing, and certainly no trying to run me over.

For a riding horse, I want a horse that RIDES: stands fairly still to be mounted, no buck, no fighting to keep to a certain gait. If I want to ride, it's because I have something that needs to be done OR to relax; not have to fight with a goofy horse. I enjoy a gaited horse, but really anything gentle is good. I also like a horse that neck reins or works off of weight cues and you don't have to haul around.

I can appreciate people who only ride in shows or arenas, or who are 17 and like a "challenge." I can promise you, though, emergency room visits are EXPENSIVE and once you get hurt, you'll feel it the rest of your life. Plus, after your 30s, you'll find that you don't bounce when you hit the ground, AND you have a family that needs you. A little girl down the road from my father's place had 1/2 of her face crushed when her pony kicked her; another friend was seriously injured when thrown onto a road. Riding, like anything, is a calculated risk. It just makes sense to weigh the odds in your favor as much as you can; there are too many good horses in the world to mess with the crazy and mean ones.


I will tolerate nearly anything that's only cosmetic. I say I'll never buy a white horse after showing my dad's grey leopard appaloosa mare, and going through so many gallons of purple shampoo each show season, but honestly, she was one of the best horses I ever rode, and I don't think I'd let even that stop me if I knew the horse was right for me in every other way.

I prefer a horse that is not super stock-type (don't like halter-bred QH's), is not a light color (white, gray, palomino etc.) and I don't like to ride small horses (under 16 hands, and/or very finely built), but none of those things alone would be a total deal breaker.

I do, however, have quite a long list of things that I DO like, that other people often do not. I too, love roman noses, and big, unrefined heads. I love buckskin, black or chestnut with chrome (which is not uncommon) but I also love a rich bay with no markings. I also like long ears, and big hooves. This is probably why I tend to like big warmbloods and draft crosses.

partly cloudy2015-03-23T15:09:29Z

I'll put up with a lot of nonsense on the ground. But at this stage in the game, I won't put up with a horse that's bucks, drops a shoulder, or rears. I have been blessed with my horse...but he is cantankerous to groom and tack. For that he is a wonderful riding horse. I am getting on, and I want an honest horse. He can bite and he might cow kick but I don't want any hint of rear and with the set up I have, no buck.

Missy B2015-03-23T14:22:36Z

So many good answers so far! I wanted to add some more. I'll tolerate mini-rearers. Not flip over backward rearers, but a horse that has learnt to stand up from bad hands is fixable. I too will take on some vices: cribbing and weaving are fixable with turnout, exercise, a toy and a collar sometimes. I too hate ewe necks.

I'm picky about knees. But I'll deal with old minor tendon injuries and milt to moderate arthritis.

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