When you stopped breastfeeding before bed (12 months and over) what did you offer instead?

Obviously baby is having water etc with meals and throughout the day but do you give something before bed and if so what? Thanks


I just finished weaning my second daughter last month at 16 months old. I started by cutting out feedings before her naps. It took her some time to get used to it, but her afternoon nap was right after lunch, so she wasn't very hungry anyway. I just stopped offering to feed her, but nursed her if she asked. Eventually, I told her no when she asked. Instead, I would nurse her when she got up from her nap, so she began to not associate nursing with sleeping.

The next step was to move breastfeeding up in the bedtime routine. Instead of bathtime, pajamas, book, song, nurse, then bed, I moved it to before the reading time. I also nursed her on the couch in the living room rather than the rocking chair in her bedroom. All of this was, again, to break down associations. Then, eventually, I just stopped nursing her and kept the rest of the routine without the breastfeeding. I went so gradually that I don't think she even really noticed. It took about a month and a half total, but I think going slowly is what made her so adjusted to the change. Our last feeding to drop was the early-morning one, which was a bit harder on me than her because I didn't want to get up at 5:30. But that's a different story.

Good luck! And congrats on making it this far! It's not easy.


I don't offer anything. He weaned last month at 19 months and we read a book before bed and that's it. He has a little toy train that he sleeps with.


I breastfed them to sleep until they weaned entirely, it was the last feeding I discontinued. So they were 2 - 3 1/2 years old before I eliminated that one. I didn't replace it with anything.


By the time I stopped night feeds, I offered nothing. Baby wasn't needing any calories, just comfort. As they grew out of it, we just continued our night time routine and skipped feeding.


cow's milk and water throughout the day, but nothing at night, dinner was the last time she ate or drank.