How to become a professional theatre actor?

I definitely don't want any work to be on film, TV, etc (as if I could anyways lol). I've been acting for about four years, started dancing for about one, and singing for as long as I can remember. I've tried looking things up online, but they're all about film-related jobs.


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It s much harder to answer this question not knowing what country/state you live in or what age you are; but I ll give it a go anyways.

Continue acting; Even if it s just a small theatre or school-associated productions more practice is helpful and it s good to know people in the field.

Continue dancing; I recommend doing a theatre summer camp with dance lessons if there s one nearby because they often have musical-related choreography; if not I think Jazz or Tap are extremely theatre related.

Voice Lessons? I m not sure if you ve been doing voice or singing forever, but I GUARANTEE you you will improve DRASTICALLY. I always thought I was an amazing singer but after starting voice I can see incredible amounts of improvement. Just about every famous singer/Broadway star participates in vocal coaching.

Like I said I don t know where you are in your age/career, but I recommend starting with those lessons and start with a school production. Later on move onto community theatre (such as the ones you pay/ often doing summer shows), then start auditioning for more professional things (WARNING: You WILL get rejected often. I don t mean to be rude but it happens to EVERYBODY when they re first starting out. This is often the rough phase people give up on, but don t, it will turn out well. I promise.) If you re very serious maybe get your Bachelor Fine Arts at a nearby college and then move into the big city with plenty of audition opportunities.

Get yourself out there: Make a professional resume, get head shots taken, maybe sign up for a website that notifies you about upcoming auditions.

Don t be afraid to ask others for help!! Having this as your dream, it seems silly and often gets shut down. That s why I never really wanted to tell anybody. Talk to your drama teacher, director, or even me! People in theatre are so incredibly friendly and want to help out.

Break A Leg!!


All real auditions are found through a good agent. When your resume is seriously impressive, try to get an agent.
As long as you've had a few years at a good acting school, and have won a lot of leading roles with a reputable community theatre, you might be able to get an agent - if you're in the USA. (In the UK, it's different.)
But don't limit yourself. All actors have to be versatile. I know theatre is a lot more fun than TV or film, but being ready, willing and able to do any type of acting is essential.