Usually it would mean that he's being friendly.
There is a movement, particularly among black athletes, to rehabilitate the word,
The prejudice against the n-word is fairly recent, dating from the late 1930's when Agatha Christie changed the name of one of her novels to "And Then There Were None."
Prior to that, Great writers, such as Joseph Conrad and Mark Twain used the word extensively, 214 times in Huckleberry Finn alone.
Christie, Twain and Conrad were not racists.
The Google ngram viewer shows the relative use of the term from 1820 to the present. The drop-off in the 1940s is striking. The comeback in print continues.
For the foreseeable future, I don't recommend for white southerners like me to use the word, or expect the name of a prominent organization will be changed and abbreviated NAAN.
You would have to ask them to know for sure.