I never seen thermostat like this before !?

It's stuck open thermostat with a copper retainer clip . 170 degree thermostat out of a 95 Honda Civic D15 motor . I swapped out this one and put in a 180 Degree .

I'm guessing its a so called racing thermostat . . .


I have no idea what kind of the removed thermostat you had.. When flushing the cooling system, we removed the thermostat. There is no testing/ flushing thermostat that I know of..

You're installed the corrected thermostat. The thermostat (180F) for the D15Z1 start to open between 176F-183F and fully open at 203F.

Racing thermostats are looking like these:


It looks like a fail-safe thermostat that fails in the open position to stop overheating.The thermostat should have stampings on the body so look up the part number.If the car had a fail-safe and then failed it likely saved the motor.The picture looks like a new item so another fail-safe is a good idea.

James M.2015-04-08T21:44:07Z

Yep, it's a "test" or flushing thermostst. You were totally correct in removing it. The only valid use is using it during a chemical cooling system flush. You should probably put in the proper 195* thermostat though for good HVAC operation and best engine performance.