why do girls call guys best friend?

Vague title I know, but what I mean is why do girls start calling certain guys they just started talking to (about a few days or so) best friend, there are two girls in my life who just became my "friends" they both think I'm cute and both think I have a great personsality and mentality and think that I'm different and weird, the one girl L I have been talking to a bit longer than n and so she's already talked about cuddling with me and has complimented me on my body and asked for a pic pf my abs and thinks I have a pretty smile, and om pretty sure she wants to show me her boobs, ( I know by how she talked about them in a random conversation) while the other girl, N hasn't been orthography with mr heavily, but just yesterday she asked if I was ticklish and told me that being tickled feels good if the boy is cute, and she also told me she'll bite me if I tickle her, which might be flirting.

Doug H2015-04-14T09:03:56Z

I think its there safe way of saying, I would like to get to know you, I like being around you and talking to you but how deep the friendship will go depends on how well you get along long term. In otherwords, its not anything serious at this stage.