Schoolwork and homework make me panicky and anxious?

So, I find this very difficult to explain, so bare with me. I panic at the thought of certain classes. Some nights, I lie in bed feeling so anxious I'm shaking and can't sleep, my mind is constantly occupied by thoughts of the school related thing. Also, if I have something I do not understand, I feel my heart racing and I feel physically ill. Thing is, I feel I have no one to confide in, adults just don't seem to remember what it feels like. I can't sit down and do homework without needing a break because I feel panicky. Some days I just don't want to go into school because of particular things. And sometimes I just don't want to do anything and I just want to lie on my bed and, basically, let the panic take over and pass. I once felt panicky at school, in pe, and people could see it in my face I think, I felt dizzy, sick, my breathing was fast, all the classic panic symptoms, and I had no idea what to do. I still don't know what to do. I would really apreciate, (excuse my spelling) some advice on this as I'm seriously stuck. I'm 15, English female, if that helps you. Thanks a lot.

Meow Meow2015-04-19T06:54:52Z

It's okay. I'm a seventeen year old American female, and school can be extremely stressful! I have social anxiety a and the word "Assembly" gets me going. So what do we do about it? Well, is there a cause for this? Family problems? Relationships? Friends? Have you tried talking to a school counselor, or even a therapist? My therapist is not much older than me, and still in college so she understands the stresses of school, and college is much harder than high school ever thought of being. She understands, and I can see the tiredness in her eyes. Try looking for a younger counselor to help you, they understand better. Sounds like an anxiety disorder honey. Your mind is moving very fast. Try meditation, yoga, eat better, do your work, see a counselor who is on the younger side of things. We're teenagers, and all teenagers experience this. :) You're not alone!