Is it illegal in the state of Virginia to post a picture of another house instead of the actual house in a house for sale?


awhile ago I was looking at houses and I found a house that was up for sale that had the picture of my aunt and uncle's house so I asked them and they said they were post their house to "show the area" is the misleading? and is it illegal?


they did not post that it wasn't the actual house


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yes, that's illegal anywhere, it's considered fraud.


That's illegal everywhere. You could get away with it by posting "this is not the actual home for sale, to be used as reference or illustrative purposes only" near the picture


thats illegal everywhere!! false advertising, fraud, and if you dont have permission to use the pic of the other house thats a few more lawsuits for you


Did you buy the house because of the picture? If not, how are you damaged?


That would be false advertising and illegal.