Is she playing hard to get, or am I just out of luck?

I ve liked this girl for a couple months. She is very shy and only talks amongst her friends, and I used to always catch her staring at me when I wasn t looking. Above all, when we sat next to each other, I could feel a chemical force between us that I didn t even feel with my ex.

So, I broke up with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago over other issues not relevant to this. A few days later, I friend requested my crush on facebook and she accepted in five minutes. Cool. So, the plan was to message her last night, then ask her out today.

Last night I messaged her a generic text about a lab we were doing to eventually ease in to a more intimate conversation (since I haven t spoken to her much since I had a girlfriend).

10 minutes later, I get the notification that she read the message. But, she never responded. I saw her in lecture today and caught her glancing over at me with this smug smile on her face, then she booked it the minute class was over

So feeling pretty bummed and given up, I went about my day and during my lab, I opened up facebook just for kicks. And when I did that, I saw in my feed that she changed her profile picture

Thing is, she hasn t changed it in a full year (me being the stalker went into her profile folder knows). And the minute I become friends with her, she changes it? I know I m 22 and acting like a 12 year old, but damn do I like this girl. My infatuated mind thinks she s messing with me, yet experience shows otherwise.I just don t want to give up


Favorite Answer

I think if she's as shy as you say she is, then she's probably afraid to make the first move. So, I think if you'd ask her out on a date, then you'll find out from her answer how she feels about you.


Two things you can do. If you are up to face to face ask her to speak in private. If you know her address write her telling her your feelings. Good luck.


out of luck sorry


Try talking to her in person, instead. If I were her, and liked you back, I would have replied to the message, but she might be different. I don't know.