M&p shield 40 s&w or 9mm?

Im pretty sure I want a shield. I know the pros and cons but I'm just looking for opinions. I am familiar with both 40 and 9 in a recoil sense, I have a gun chambered in both.

But is there any benefit carrying a 40? I've never shot anyone so i don't know. Seems to work for the police as they kill more people then they maim, at least in my city.

Uncle Pennybags2015-04-23T11:58:17Z

The Shield is the smaller concealed carry pistol, correct?

I've shot the .40 in a full sized Glock and it was a little too snappy for me even then. I sure wouldn't want to shoot it in a smaller lighter pistol.

I'd opt for the 9mm.


Its really a distinction without a difference. Sure there are differences, but I would not waste your time thinking about it too much. I would just go with the 9 because of the cheaper ammo and more capacitance. You could even use +P rounds if you are worried about muzzle energy.