Horses: sometimes you just don't care about...?

I just ordered a new XC saddle, and I'm going to use a Dressage bridle with it, and an AP pad. And I just do not care what anyone thinks!

What is something in the horse world that YOU just don't care what the other equestirans think or do, you just do it your own way?


I'm with Miss Luke. I don't pull manes either. My horse doesn't like it, and frankly, neither do I. I alternate between letting my horse's mane grow out, and chopping it off with scissors, depending on how I feel. Right now, I'm keeping it short, just because it's lower maintenance that way. I just feather the ends with scissors a bit to make it look more natural.

I also don't clip ears or whiskers. I think it's rude to clip these areas. The horses use their whiskers for feeling and the hair in their ears protects the ear canal from debris and fly bother. I don't care if a judge marks us down for that, I refuse to clip those places!

I'm also not the height of fashion. I did recently buy a Charles Owen helmet for showing, but up until now, I had a classic, outdated velvet. I only replaced it because it was getting too old to be safe and didn't fit quite right anymore. I also wear whatever color show coat I feel like wearing. My favorite is brown and I don't think I've ever seen anyone else showing in brown. I mostly just see black and navy, and the occasional tan at the stock type open shows.

My horse herself is also a bit of an aberration. She's a Shire/TB cross. The cross is popular further south, where fox hunting is more of a thing, but around here, we're the black sheep of the show circuit, surrounded by Thoroughbreds, and Appendix types. Sometimes we get complements and positive feedback. Sometimes we get sneers and insults. Regardless of how people react, I love her and she's mine!

I'm also notorious for mixing and matching tack from different disciplines. Right now I have my husband riding in English tack with a Western D-ring bit. It's a snaffle bit and his horse likes it. It's a little out of place but not technically illegal to show English in it.


I really don't care if people don't like that I do my horse's hooves myself. I don't know what I'm doing? Totally, my horse must be hopping lame everyday from my shoddy work. Oh wait no.

Generally I couldn't give a flying frack if someone doesn't agree or like what I do with my horse or how he's kept. They can dwell in their annoyance all they want, it doesn't affect me. Unless of course they decide to be vocal about their opinions in which case they'll get a swift knock down.


I don't pull my hroses mane, first of all impatient and it freaking disgusts me!! I rather just trim it, my dad is a hair dresser and gives me tips, and I've had at least 3 people tell me to do their horses :D. Also, I got a lightweight western saddle and I don't have a saddle pad for it, so I just use my super thick english pads and it does the trick. People look at me weird but whatever. I've also ridden without a helmet and have had nazis tell me I will die because I hopped on for 3 minutes (gasp!). People are funny, however if they are really persistent I will be pi**** and I will tell them what I think. I'm sorry, who pays the bill on this horse? OH RIGHT! NOT YOU!!


I also don't pull my horse's mane.
Currently I'm schooling English but for trail rides I'll use my Western saddle (easier to hang onto if my young mare flips out!) but I still use the English bridle, mainly because my mare likes the snaffle better and I don't feel like switching bits. Looks weird but i don't care.
I ride in paddock boots.


I don't clip my horses ears or whiskers! One of my friends doesn't do it either and both of our trainers are on us to do it and our other friends are like why but we just like it. She also shows with her ponytail out (still wears a hairnet though- and only in jumpers) and she just don't give a care what other people think because she likes it like that. I've shown in the jumpers a few times with my hair out and braided but I usually put it up.

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