Does anyone else think McDonald's employees are more rude than at other fast food restaurants?

In not saying that people aren't rude at other places or that all of their employees are rude, but it seems that it's mostly them. I work at DQ so I don't go to other fast food places that often, but most fast food places I don't have a problem, but every McDonald's I do. Does anyone else feel this way or have an explanation?


Yeah they are generally more rude, at least in my area.
But McDonald's employees and managers are kittens compared to Walmart managers.
They are beyond rude and are verbally abusive to employees, it's actually like that at a lot of Walmarts.


I think at a lot of those places it's a combination of them not liking their job and the fact that the pay isn't so great , they may not think it's worth it to put much effort into being friendly to the customer. It's just a paycheck to them. So they do enough just to keep the job.


Yes, I've noticed. Many of them do not like their jobs because it offers little pay and no incentives. The hours are usually crappy and their bosses tend to be power hungry with little control over the other areas in their life.

Harley Drive2015-04-25T18:38:13Z

they get shouted at if they don't offer you other items so they aren't behaving naturally, like when you buy a coffee they ask "would you like fries with that"


Havnt noticed

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