Friend who freaks out after getting scared, this normal?

I have a friend who hates getting scared by pranks. Like as simple as someone coming behind her and making her jump by saying boo really loudly freaks her out, then afterwards she gets extremely angry and yells at people while on the verge of tears. We've been friends a long long time, and I've seen it every so often over the years and was just wondering if this kind of reaction was normal, or at least if others had friends/family who did this. I'm just wondering because tonight when her boyfriend scare her she just started yelling at him "Do you like being scared, does anyone like that!?" I mean I don't personally mind, I find that kind of stuff funny, but was wondering what other people thought.


If you are a friend, then don't scare her or let others scare her.

People are not all the same. Some people do not mind being scared and some people are absolutely terrified of it. For example, some people do to horror movies and enjoy them while other people do everything they can to avoid them. Some people will ride a roller coaster or jump out of an airplane and consider this fun while other people cannot even think of doing these things.

Your friend is not necessarily have to have a psychological problem to dislike being scared. In less you know every detail about her, there could be something that causes her great distress and remembering when someone scares her. A woman who was raped in an elevator may not be able to go near an elevator or ride in one. Similarly, if your friend was traumatized in some way, when someone runs up and scares her it may cause her to remember this and she "freaks out."

Her reaction is pretty typical. A lot of women that I know react this way. A lot of men that I know would punch the individual that scared them. I do not mean that they would punch them playfully but in that their response would be to attack, instantaneously, what ever scared them. While some may think that it's funny, today, there have been cases where people have fainted when frightened in this manner. The adrenaline rush could actually cause health problems in someone who is not in good health.

You have to remember, what may be funny for you may not be funny for her. The old analogy is that boys pull wings off of flies in jest but the fly dies in earnest.


Some persons are that way through a number of ways. Examples could be a past experience, high anxiety or the like. By itself, it is not abnormal. If it comes with a cluster of other signs such as aggression for no apparent reason, or other fears, then it would be time to have a talk with a doctor.


its just makes her feel weak and like she is being made fun of