Why did this girl suddenly stop talking to me?


Ok so i have this girl we have been friends awhile we started talking a lot like every single day she asked me out on a lunch date it went great We had a second one it was amazing we cant get enough of eachothers company we held hands kissed etc we talked after that also. its been two weeks now she said we would have another date this weekend. she suddenly bans me on FB this morning and cut off all contact.


Ok so i have this girl we have been friends awhile we started talking a lot like every single day she asked me out on a lunch date it went great We had a second one it was amazing we cant get enough of eachothers company we held hands kissed etc we talked after that also. its been two weeks now she said we would have another date this weekend. she suddenly bans me on FB this morning and cut off all contact.


So at this point i sent a text msg she replies to those like nothing ever happend. none of this makes sense to me here at all . da *** ?

Roger S2015-04-27T06:45:31Z

Favorite Answer

Because she realized that she doesn't like you.


because you said something stupid.
?? Maybe :)

Need more information. sorry.