When your in the national guard and you change your job what pay are you entitled to?

Currently in the national guard E-6 with 18 years. As a civilian I net about two grand bi-monthly.

The school in looking to go to is 5 months long.

As near as I can tell with basic pay plus BAH I would be netting 4 grand a month during this AFSC training

Does this sound accurate? Would I be entitled to BAH?


So i read this question, and wanted to make a smart-*** comment, but Wine beat me to it. So I just liked his answer instead..... military pay charts are pretty ******* easy to find. Then again, i spent a short amount of time in the guard after ETS'ing from Bragg in order to finish out my 8 year obligation. The quality of leadership I found from fellow NCO's there was very disappointing.