wwe era?? what era is wwe in right now?
what era is wwe in right now??2015
what era is wwe in right now??2015
I don't think this current era really has a name. A few time, the term Realty Era was thrown around by Triple H, but apparently it really didn't catch on. Some people call it a PG era, but again, PG content is nothing new for WWE, as WWE WAS PG from the beginning up until the Attitude Era. So I think right now, it's just plain old WWE.
Reality era
Reality era.It started from Cm punk and Cm Punk was the face of this era
Pg era was over in 2011 But The Reality era is also like Pg
Reality Era
Jim Crockett Promotions Fan
The Marketing To Families Era. Draw Entire Famileis to WWE Live Events, sell Merchandise to all members of The Family.