Chips safe to eat?

I like warm potato chips, so I threw the entire bag of Ruffles in the microwave including the actual bag, and it got like electrocuted. I always have someone do it for me and as it turns out, they put them in a gallon bag to heat them up. I started eating the chips and I feel fine, but is it dangerous to eat Ruffles after theyve been in an electrocuted bag?


There's nothing wrong with the chips, but you should never put things that are metallic in a microwave


It won't hurt ya - but I bet you won't stick another bag of 'em in the nuker! Suggestion: put the chips on a microwave-safe plate next time and don't bother with the bag.


yes the chips safe to can eat


They are fine but the microwave can be damaged , I love chips like that and I put them in a Tupperware .


I put a Tostada wrapped in tin foil in the microwave and the same thing happened to me. I still ate it and I'm still, so I think you will be fine! Just don't do it again, haah

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