Why do people mispronounce Ariana Grande's name?

Why do a lot of people pronounce Ariana like Air-ee-ah-nah instead of the correct way Ar-ee-ah-nah. I hate it when people do this and i dont get why. Like where the hell did they hear that from? Its not like shes ever said that. They sound so ignorant and it pisses me off. Its AR-EE-AH-NAH! Say it right!!


First, calm down she's never said anything about it and second, they probably say it like that because someone else has the same name and pronounces it differently


It's not that big a deal

American Patriot2015-05-12T21:16:04Z

In some cultures, you'd be called, "schoe" rather than Joe since they pronounce "J" as "sch"

"Jesus" is "hay-zuse" in some cultures.


sometimes it is accents. sometimes people are just so stupid.