Person A Blind in one eye vs Person B with glass eye/eye patch?

Hi, I know this question sounds really stupid, but I've heard someone else say that blindness in one eye vs a glass eye will look slightly different. To me (I & this other person can both see out of both eyes) half-blindness & a glass eye would look exactly the same (in vision terms). What do you all think? Do you think being blind in one eye vs having a glass eye would look the same or different?


I know both a glass eye & a blind eye both can't see but would a blind eye look black/dark & the glass eye just be plain nothing?


How much does 1 eye see? Some say half, but I've heard that one eye produces almost as much vision as 2 eyes do. What do you all think? I think one eye would see a lot.

David E2015-05-14T09:30:26Z

Favorite Answer

Vision where absolutely nothing can be seen is actually pretty rare. Many eyes that are considered blind actually see a little bit. Some blinded eyes are ugly. The cornea turns opaque and some other things can happen. Some blind eys are painful. In either of these cases, it may make sense to replace the eye with an prosthesis. These can range from shells that are little more than colored contacts to the size of a complete eye ball. The more of the patients eye that can be saved, the more natural it will look especially when it comes to moving the eye. Sometimes an eye will be blind and it will look no different than a sighted eye. The absence of vision would look no different in a completely blind eye from how it looks after the eye has been removed.


A glass eye does not look or move real. It would be better to simply have a blind eye. Some types of blindness won't be visible. And eyes move in tandem, regardless of blindness. You can't make a glass eye move.