Why is Hillary so adverse to transparency?


YB Logical2015-05-15T09:09:05Z

Favorite Answer

Hell, Hillary is as "transparent" as a window pane to me.
I can see right through that criminal.


She has three options.

1- Take questions from the press and answer them.

2- Take questions from the press, and do the old political double-step dodge and give a talking point answer that doesn't address that actual question.

3- Don't take questions from the press.

Based on what she thinks the press will ask her, and her analysis of risk versus reward of actually answering them or attempting to fake answer them.....she decided she shouldn't take questions at all.

If you read that article, she only chose option #1 four times....and those were softball meaningless questions. The other 9 questions she "answered" she chose option #2.


Nobody has asked any intelligent questions lately. Would you waste your time with jerks blathering about anything but issues that are important to the majority of Americans? No, you wouldn't. So why should she?