Josh Duggar a hypocrite?

The oldest of the kids from "19 kids and counting" the family/religious cult has been exposed as having molested 5 girls when he was 14.
Considering he was hired to be the leader of the Family Research Council and has used his position to attack others on sexual issues, does this make him a hypocrite?


I didn't hear anything about the "parents" abusing their children. Each of the children have their own mind, and will make their own choices. The question is, did the parents handle the situation adequately? What would you have done differently, if he was your son? I think the one thing that they probably shouldn't have done was put their kids on national TV. Since the truth generally comes out, they should have figured that their daughters might be subjected to the media, America, and possibly even the world. I just wonder how the girls are coping.


Josh Dugger is an *** and a hypocrite


Yes, just another in a long line of Christian hypocrites.


Yes, but he has prayed about it and has asked god to forgive him.. All is OK now. Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven..


what a hoot they say theybeloeve is god and look what happens
hope he is tossed in jail cons doit
i would love to doit to him yummyinmy tummy
nice *** for a preachers ha boy

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