Why doesn't it feels like end of the damn school year yet?

There are only 7 days left and it doesn't feel like the end of the year! Next week we have field days and 2 feild trips and a day we dress up in Hawaiian outfits. Then the Monday after next Monday is the last day. how can I make it feel like the end of the year


This year went by fast agreed. The only way I can think of to make it seem long, is to start disliking people. That's when you'll want school to end.


omg lucky you have field trips! I have friken exams and our teacher are piling us with stupid homework because they think we are stupid and need help. Like all my classes I have a whole bunch to do! "Get more sleep before the exam" they say... How will we get sleep if you're making us stay up till 3am every night?!
ok haha sorry about my rant..
Once you start thinking about the end of the school year and counting down, it will feel like forever. So done with school now.

Why Nye2015-05-27T19:04:26Z

It doesn't feel like the end off the year because its not! You still have 7 days left. just wait until the last day and trust meme you will feel that summer feeling.


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