Is it possible to go blind from starring at the sun and/or an eclipse?

I know this question most likely has this answer as a definite but someone I know & care about (going to remain unidentified online) was thinking about doing something like this. I was like "no". Then this person said what about if I do it w/ 1 eye covered. I was like "the eye that's not covered will go blind". I'm not trying this at all, but I'm assuming it's possible to go blind by doing this/going half-blind with one eye covered?


This person decided to back away from the idea. I'm happy & I give her full credit for doing so.


I guess he/she's not a sun-gazer anymore - I'm happy.

David E2015-05-28T08:11:28Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, it is possible, even likely. It is also possible to make it through unharmed.The ammount of protection the atmosphere gives varies. For example, we would all feel comfortable staring at a sunset. At sunset, we are looking at the sunthrough a great deal of atmosphere. If the sun was directly overhead, protection would vary based on altitude, humidity and even polutants. The condition that you get from staring at the sun is called solar retinopathy. People who think it is OK to look at the sun are called sun gazers.