If morality is objective, should gods not be made exempt from judgement?

I keep hearing arguments such as "Some things are always bad, therefore ????, therefore god." So I ask, if morals are set in stone. If some things are bad regardless, should we really be making excuses for gods just because "He/she is the god/goddess I follow and therefore always good even if they do this stuff."


but this is the falacy, morality is not objective! it is well defined by the one who gave the first laws. morality is only subjective when in rebellion against the first prime mover and first law giver.
i think, even in our own laws, no one has the right to murder or kill, not just anyone, if your child decides JUST because you dont believe in murder, that he or she will go out and do the crime, because he sees nothing wrong with it, that he can justify the death of anyone that is innocent to be lawfullly moral, would be totally mistaken.
there is a God, no doubt, and Jesus Christ is the savior, even the only name under heaven whereby man can be saved from Hell and then from outer darkness.

G C2015-05-28T08:24:27Z

Morals are the character of God through commands to regulate man's actions towards mankind and nature set by God from the beginning of time, not by man.