If illegal aliens are allowed to vote in America have we allowed our country to be invaded?


Which illegal aliens are voting? Show us your non bias fact based statical report on illegals voting. Can't find any? Probably because that doesn't really happen. It's just a political tactic the GOP is using to make voting harder.

jean ann j2015-05-31T08:06:10Z

If. You said if.

If the illegals voted, there would be a Mexican president.

There are millions of illegals in the U.S.

And legal Hispanics.

Coyotes and the Mexican cartels have been smuggling in illegals for a long time.

And illegals have been walking across ranchers ranches and unguarded parts of the border for years.


They aren't allowed to vote.


You have to be a US citizen to vote. So no, we did not allow our country to be invaded.


Because the stupid elected a Muslim president (the antichrist) we are now at the point of no return...the illegals are the least of our problems now...also Obama will see to it they can vote before he leaves office...he already give them drivers licenses with absolutely no documentation at all to prove who they are...don't you wish it was that ez for Americans to do that...

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