What Will Putting More Folic Acid in My Blood Do?

I learned I have a gene that makes me unable to metabolize folic acid Dr tells me to get a metabolized folic acid vitamin. I'm wondering what that will do for me. Will it lessen my depression? Will I become less spazzy than am now? What can I expect, I am very unsure so I'm coming up with possibly out there possibilities!

Thank you for your help!


Favorite Answer

Folic acid should help you to think more clearly- make you less spazzy, yes. It MIGHT help with the depression, but more by giving you more energy, which might spill over to helping with depression (you know- if you feel like you're not so tired, you might not be so depressed).

Folic acid should help with your anemia (I assume you're anemic) and that will help you not get cold and tired so much. If you haven't been menstruating, it will probably make you start/resume menstruation. It may help you stop having diarrhea (if you've been having it).