What this country coming too when you can't even cheer a family member at their graduation?

saw on the news that people were charged with disturbing the piece for cheering a friend or family member at graduation.
They could face a fine.
Maybe its a pc issue.
It's derogatory and unfair to the people the that flunked out
People have cheered at graduation since the first graduation took place.
I doubt Adam and Eve were silent when Able got his degree

Simon T2015-06-04T19:09:09Z

A good place.

If everyone cheered their kid then either you would never hear the names of the kids, or it would take a couple of days to get through.

People have cheered at graduations, and still do - - at the end. To do otherwise is just plain rude to everyone else.


You wait until the end.
Simple rules, simple courtesy!
If you cannot control yourself, we'll do it for you!


Try jumping off a bridge.

Maybe that will fix your problem.