Why are there removable toilet seats?

Seriously, I bought a toilet seat the other day and its main selling point (besides being cheap) was that it was removable. After wondering why anyone would want to remove their toilet seat:
*there's no seat like home seat
*just want to clean the seat, not rest of toilet
I wondered if this could be dishwasher safe. Now before calling me a troll, I am just at a loss as to why a toilet seat would be removable.

Francis T2015-06-05T04:29:19Z

Favorite Answer

Ew never put a toilet seat iin a dishwasher. Its removable in the sense you can replace it or take to a utility sink if it needs a deep clean


The idea is to allow the easy removal of the seat, without actually unbolting it, to make it easier to clean the top of the toilet stool. Unfortunately, the latching connector on each side remains in place, and is itself a crud collector. The things are also just a bit more tedious to install in the first place.

I've sold Mayfairs with this feature for years, but personally prefer a simple bolt-down unit to the "easy clean" types, rarely removed anyway. The other thing, just a tradition with me, is, when a fill valve needs to be replaced, I may go ahead and replace the flapper, the tank bolts, and the toilet seat as well.


All toilet seats are removable

Christin K2015-06-05T04:18:00Z

They're removable so they can be replaced when they need to be! A permanently fixed toilet seat would not be a great idea if it breaks or chips or gets uncomfortable to use--and you would need to remove it so you could replace it with a new one!


To make cleaning the toilet easier

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