Scripture talks always of the never ending grace of God. So, Why make things hard? Why make things hard?


Why work so hard to make things ugly?
For instance, if you say there is a sin for which there is no forgiveness, right there you have placed a limit on God, and God is nothing if not beyond any limits we can imagine.
So immediately, I get this:
so satan can still be saved? (by your words, yes)
- and this is not true
Donald · 1 day ago
The fundamentalists make God (their god) out to be some terrorist who would rather punish eternally than love.


Why do people like Don work so hard to twist a gospel of love, justice and mercy into a sordid tale of rage and vengeance? They sound almost like they would be more comfortable with some kind of theocratic terrorists. What is the attraction of terror?


I notice that several people have commented, but their answers are not here. If you are reporting answers, please stop. I would like to see what others say, not just the stuff that floats your boat. Let's be fair. Thanks.

David at Your Service2015-06-05T21:40:17Z

Christians aren't the ones making things hard. Salvation is inherently hard to accomplish.

1Pet 4:18 “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?”