If god is some grand designer who "created" humans for a purpose and made the universe just for us?

so, if god is some "grand designer" who didn't make us as bags of meat for "maggots and decomposers" to feast on, why are our bodies COVERED in bacteria that only want to get inside and "feast" on us? Only humans care about other humans, that is my message as an atheist. Other animals (except for those we've domesticated) do not care if all humans die off today. The universe doesn't seem to pay us any attention at all.


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"2. And on the seventh day, God did review his handywork and sayeth a good job was done. So then He did rest a while. 3. This nap, however, did last over sixty-five million years, though 'twas not but to be a power nap, so sayeth the Lord. Anyhow, during His slumber a foreign object did smite His creation and smite it hard. 5. And on the eighth day, God did go backwards in time and change a few details. His reason, He did spake, was quite simple. 6. It did matter not how many days He did use, for soon man would claim that seven days did a week maketh; and some months did have thirty or thirty-and-one days for not a reason at all. He did say man would inventeth a year of leaping, 'twas to laugh! 7. This lack of good judgment did make God's head hurt, so He did go rest once more. And it was good."

Christian Sinner2015-06-06T07:05:24Z

I agree that God is a Grand Designer who made humans for his purposes, but I do not agree that God made the universe for us. He made them for himself.

The way we are now is not supposed to be the way humans used to be. What atheists cannot seem to understand (and many Christians too), is that our current predicament in life is not the way God originally made humans. Death is unnatural. He won't have it around after this is over. We are unnatural, in that we are corrupted.


You know what baffles me? That you have no bigger stuff to worry about other than stressing 24/7 over something you dont believe it exists and over those who believe in God. Seriosuly, dont you have a life, or a job ? Why do our beliefs bother you so much? Why do you care that we believe in God? Is that your businnes or what? Does anybody pay you to worry about our beliefs or are you genuinely interested? If you really want to learn about our beliefs, then perhaps you must stop asking provocative questions. You are not asking to learn, you are obviously asking to provoke.
What do you gain by being mean at believers? You can't change opur mind, neither can we change yours. You can insult us, you can scold us, you can use every way to make us feel bad for our beliefs and l we will still believe in God. There is nothing you can do or say to take our faith away. Wouldnt it be better for you to deal with this and watch your own business? Do you know why i believe in God?? Because it ponders sense to my whole existence and to that of universe, because it makes sense to me. Atheism on the other side makes no sense to me and it has nothing to offer to me. For atheists things have no cause and no reason for existing, no meaning either. Really?? And you know that for a fact how exactly?? H ow do you know there is no reason and no meaning for things to exist? Just think about; everything us humans have built, invented and created has a reason for existing, but us humans dont?? Atheists expect people to be statisfied with ''There is no reason, things just are'' and you dont want people to question it. But people will never stop asking existencialist questions. Humanity will always search for a meaning and for a reason. Science cannot answer to existencialist questions, atheism cannot answer to existencialist questions ( in fact, atheism cannot answer to any question of any kind) but Theism can and so can spiritualim. That is why billion people in the world pick a religion and live with it. It gives a meaning to their lives. That is why believers are MAJORITY in the world

Now i will answer to your comments: I do NOT believe in imaginary creatures. I believe in a Creator God and God ( Logos) is tied to EVERY Philosophical System in the world, particularly to Existencialism. And philosophy is not imaginary.
I did not compare God with Atoms. I wanted to give you an example to show you that just because you can't see something, it doesnt mean that it doesnt exist. Read between the lines please
You say for extra-ordinary claims i must have extra-ordinary evidences. What a coincidence, i think that too. When atheists make the absolute claim that there is no God, i always expect them to show me their absolute facts. I mean, when you say with absolute certainty that there is no God, you create the impression that you actually have some concrete proof to back you claims. But in fact, atheists have literally ZERO proof to prove their atheism to be true. In that sense, atheists are in no better position than believers. I might not have proofs either, but God is not a matter of proof or disproof. God is a matter of probabilities . But there are evidences that indicate the existence of God, although the nature of this evidences is subtle and those can't be shown in the way atheists demand it.
What are this evidences? Evidences for the Intelligent Design are evidences for The Intelligent Designer such as : The mind-blowing complexity of the DNA Structure tht reveals Life is an information, The Fine Tuning of the Universe that allows Life to exist, the mathematical order and the laws of the universe etc. All this cannot be and are not coincidences. There are no lucky coincidences nor happy accidents in science. Speaking of science, many brilliant scientists of every scientific field believed in God or in a High Power
In this Link, you can read their thoughts on God :


GOD created a perfect world. its mankind that screwed it up. all of creation was cursed.but the good news is it will be restored to its former perfection. thats after judgment day. a new heaven and a new earth for all the former things have passed away.revelation last book in bible

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