Ford Taurus shaking randomly?

Four times now, over the past few months, my 2000 Ford Taurus has been (seemingly randomly) going though bouts of shaking.

It's only a light shaking at speeds of 35mph and slower, nothing overly concerning. But once you push it up to 45 and 55 it starts to shake pretty violently. Hard enough that I'm forced to pull over and stop or risk being thrown around by the shaking.

Slowing down helps. Letting your foot off the gas reduces the shaking to manageable (enough to get me home, at least) but once it starts shaking I've found that you need to hit the brake to get it to not shake as bad. Otherwise, just letting my foot off the gas slows the shaking but if you push back down on the gas (no matter the speed) it'll start violently shaking again.

This only occurs once in a while. I've tried shutting the car off and turning it back on but that didn't help any.

So, any clues or experience with similar problems?


My mums car does the same, it scares the crap outta me coz practically every time we drove it over 30 km's, it'd shake, like a freakin volcano sort of shake, SCARY. my mums tried getting the wheels realigned, the lugs all tightened, and she's taken it to the car repair shop, it did nothing at all. Hopeless car places. Just want your money half of the time. If u ask me, ur car might turn out like my mums, just remember, this car shaking business wi my mums car getting so bad had been happening over a year or so. BE CAREFUL FOR THE FUTURE. good luck with ur car

The Devil2015-06-09T12:55:54Z

Lots of things could be wrong. Make sure the wheel lugs are all on tight. Other than that, put the car in the shop with that complaint.


Are you sure the wheel nuts are tight, and the wheels are on straight?
