Have you ever gone back on your own to re-read a book that they made you read in school?


A few times, although more recently English teachers have been going through and methodically ruining everything they teach. I'll probably reread The Great Gatby later, though. I've also done the reverse a bunch of times, where I read in advance books I know I'm eventually going to have to read for school.


To be honest, I read most of the books in high school before they were required. I was not in any kind of advanced English because I was such a horrible speller and had messy handwriting and yeah, I was lazy. I tended to keep up with what the advanced classes were reading though and then re-read most of them when they were assigned to us.


I was made to read Tess of the d'Urbervilles whilst studying English Literature A Level and I still class it as one of my favourite books. Just finished my English degree, also, and will most definitely be going back to read Moby Dick!

Louise C2015-06-10T11:57:58Z

Yes. i have from time to time re-read The Rivals by sheridan, which we did for English O level and which I still think a very amusing play. also the poems of John Betjeman, which we also did for O level.

JAMES K2015-06-10T10:09:45Z

Many times.

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