Why can't we just figure out a way to...?

...take the water from places like Texas & other places that it's raining so much that there's massive flooding & move it to places like california & other places where there are massive droughts? Is there any way that'd be possible or is it too unrealistic? Thanx for any & all answers, comments, thoughts & opinions!!!

: )


Well, that makes sense, but the reason I mentioned Texas & California is because Texas has been having so much flooding that cars have been floating, & California has been in drought for weeks & weeks. Also, I wasn't thinking of pipe building. Rather, I was thinking of somehow draining the water & then flying it from one place to the other.

: )

oil field trash2015-06-16T18:06:54Z

Favorite Answer

There is no way to know where the excess water will be or where it needs to be sent. Not to mention the cost of building and operating a pipeline. Of course there is always the problem with environmental groups and the building of any pipeline even if it is only carrying water.

Finally the area that is in a drought condition today might be flooded tomorrow.


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