Please help me find the title of this book???

It was story about girl in the holocaust that had blue eyes and blonde hair that got sent to a school for Jewish people while her family got sent to camps?? She had a pin that she kept from her grandmother and it helped her remember her real name, and not the one she got assigned. I remember it being called "A girl named ___" or "My name is ___" but I could be wrong?


Favorite Answer

That sounds like "Someone Named Eva" by Joan M. Wolf. She had a garnet pin shaped like a star.

" “Remember who you are, Milada.” Milada’s grandmother says these words on the night the Nazi soldiers come to their home in Czechoslovakia. But what do they mean? She is Milada, who lives with her mama and papa, her brother and sister, and her beloved Babichka. Milada with the sun-kissed hair, eleven years old, fastest runner in her school. How could she ever forget?
Then the Nazis send Milada to a Lebensborn center in Poland, and Milada quickly discovers that holding on to her true identity will be the greatest struggle of her young life."