If Christians are claiming victory because atheists can't prove their god doesn't exist?

Are they ok with being executed for murder if they can't prove they didn't do it?

Old Man Dirt2015-06-27T09:37:00Z

Atheist tend to miss a few details-
1. Preponderance of evidence. Theists in general do have preponderance of evidence on their side.
2. Eye witness accounts- Christians do have several cases on record where there have been eye witnesses to the existence of God.
3. The difference between reasonable doubt, unreasonable doubt and beyond all doubt.
Considering the case for God had been tried in the legal court system and proven to the extent that Gods existence has been proven- the atheists argument places them in the position they claim by action they are omnipotent. Only an insane human being (unless they are a deity) could claim to be such.
To claim you do not believe the evidence is one thing- that is your privilege. But to claim the lack of evidence such as atheists do ignores all of the rules of evidence using the legal definition.


An excellent riposte to their pathetic "you can't prove God doesn't exist".


i am willing to put my life in the hands of my God if i was executed for a crime i did not do. i would make my heart right with God as much as possible and live the 10 or so years before i was executed. you do realize that their will be appeals and such that can last up to 10 years. so you would have plenty of time to think it over in prison before death. Thanks for the question friend. God bless.


There is that pesky logic again....this ought to be pretty good.


Well they should be or they would all be hypocrites.

But then again I think we already knew that . . . .

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