How many homosexual couples are going to....?

go to their local mosque and demand that the Imam marry them? And if he refuses?
Lawsuit? Or is that only reserved for Christian ministers?


Favorite Answer

It is only reserved for Christian ministers. they are too scared of the muslims, but they love to attack Christians.

Yes, it is only a matter of time and gay couples will start going to churches demanding that the minister or pastor marries them, and if they refuse all hell will break loose. Fines, lawsuits, prison, etc. All that is possible.

We saw that with bakers and othe Christian businesses already.

Pastors will be forced to decide between their faith and gay persecution and many churches will be forced to close, also because the government will be leading this effort.

Yes, that is coming for sure.

All the people here that think this is just fear mongering are the same ones who will never be affected by this persecution, so they could not care less.

Mark IX2015-06-29T18:55:15Z

Oh, I can see where you're getting confused. You think that marriage has something to do with the church. Marriage is a contract recognized by the government, lots of people are married outside of religious institutions. It's a simple enough mistake for moronic bigots to make.


If a homosexual did that at a mosque or church and sued he would be laughed out of court. You must have been listening to Glen Beck or a moron pastor.


Everyone knows it's the Christians they are after. Muslims can discriminate all they want. I don't blame the Muslims for holding to their standards, but shouldn't Christians be allowed to have standards too?

The Happy Atheist2015-06-29T18:54:51Z

There is absolutely to precedent, law, or statute that says anything of the sort will happen. No clergy or religious persons working in the capacity of the officiator of a wedding, will ever be forced to perform a ceremony they do not feel they can due to their beliefs.

Stop fear mongering.

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